Our company
ASA Real Estate Partners is a specialist real estate investment manager with a track record of delivering excellent risk adjusted investor returns

We are a specialist investment manager - exclusively focused on Australian commercial real estate
We add value to real estate investments at all stages, especially where bespoke strategies are required to maximise returns
Our experience extends across traditional and alternative asset classes – including office, retail, industrial, healthcare, self-storage and childcare
Over many decades we have built high performing teams that leverage individual and collective strengths to drive investment returns. This includes integrating management businesses, including Generation Healthcare from ING
Directly employed a distribution team that raised in excess of $1 billion through direct engagement with retail investors and financial advisors. This was critical to provide consistent liquidity to investors
Experience liaising with all investor types and associated stakeholders – including research houses and asset consultants, financial advisors and dealer groups The success of our funds has been through financial alignment (fund co-investment) and the adoption of best-in-class governance
At APN, we grew assets under management from less than $1bn to over $3.8bn, delivering annualised investor returns of 24.5%¹
1.Period ASA team together January 2013 until July 2021 (Alex Abell joined 2016). Direct property funds average equity IRR net of fees and costs. Direct real estate funds with all assets sold.